Groton Town Democrats 22-Feb-2023 Meeting Minutes AGENDA: Groton Democratic Town Committee, March 22, 2023
Wednesday, 7-8 pm, Thrive 55/Senior Center
- Call to Order: 7 PM. Welcoming Remarks and Introductions. Natalie Billing, Chair. Dan Gaiewski (via tele) Vice-Chair
- Approve Minutes of Previous Meeting Feb. 22, 2023 (available to review on GDTC website: Juliette Parker, Secretary
- Treasurer’s Report: John Wirzbicki. Please keep donating dues/online/on website
- Chair’s Report. Nominating committee continues to review which incumbents desire to run again, what vacancies need to be filled, continue to recruit, spread the word, will meet, will invite a few new members. RTM d7 vacancy anticipated, AND a replacement has been identified! Counselors, Chris and Aundré, walked in St. Patricks Day Parade.
- Nominating Committee Cutter Oliver and Dan Gaiewski. Review ABC vacancies.
- Fundraising Committee Report. Mary von Dorster. Sat. May 13th Recognition Dinner 5-7 pm. At Betsy Moukawshers home. To honor Joe de la Cruz and Rita Schmidt. Friends, supporters of Joe and Rita: Please place an ad in the Ad book. ALL: SAVE THE DATE! Txtx: $25.
Our MAJOR fundraiser. We need to raise thousands of dollars. - State Representatives Chris Conley (40th) and Aundré Bumgardner (41st)
- Mayor’s Update. Juan Melendez. Items under discussion that members may individually want to speak to Counselors about
- BOE Update. Bev Washington, Matthew Shulman. Items under consideration that members may individually want to speak to Bd. Members about
- Guest: Jason Hine, Stonington DTC.
- Announcements/Future Agenda Items. Next meetings: April 26th, May24th, June 28th, THURS July 20th: endorsement of candidates! Please Mark Your Calendars!!!
- Juliette Parker: invites you to NAACP Fund Dinner, June 27, 6 pm. Ocean Beach Park. Txts: $75.
- Adjournment: by 8 PM please. Social hour to follow.
Click below to download a PDF versions of the Agenda and the Feb 2023 Minutes