May 22, 2024, DTC Agenda and April 2024 Minutes

AGENDA: GDTC May 22, 2024 Meeting and April 24, 2024 Minutes

Wed. May 22, 2024, 7-8 pm, Thrive 55/Senior Center

  1. Call to order.
  2. Approval of minutes of March meeting. Doris Pulaski, Secy.
  3. Treasurer’s Report. John Wirzbicki.
  4. Report of Chair, Natalie Billing. BOE vacancy seat. Two DEMS have expressed interest. Both are well qualified. Names forwarded to BOE. We still have a D1 vacancy on RTM. I have some names of people we could text if anyone is willing to do a texting project. Small group.

RTM changes: Chelsea Meade D4 resigned. David Goode was seated. D5 vacancy filled by Fran Whitney.  D4: vacancies for U’s, R’s. Should anyone know anyone “good”/Dem leaning.

Reminder: JBB Dinner. Fundraiser for State Dems.   Date  June 29  Time 5:30  Location HTFD  Special Guest Speaker. Hakeem Jeffries.  NL “Drinking Liberally” has reserved a table of 10. Ten of us are going. You can reserve individually or a table if there are ten who want to sit together.

Convention Reports: All candidates unanimously endorsed.

State Convention/Murphy. Fun. Mohegan Sun.

Joe Courtney, Coventry High School. Well attended. Lively.

Andrew Parrella’s in Stonington. Very nice.  Well attended.

Aundré. The Barn. Chris.  Manana


Was a very busy time. State Dems deferred some Convention-related things to DTC Chairs they usually do. Was busy, busy. Many delegates were unable to go. Had to find alternates. Need to do differently next time.  Thank you to Liz and Mary…once again my angels helped.

Next Meeting: Wed. June 26th.  No particular business. Could cancel if busy with JBB and Picnic and finding an HQ.

    1. Nominating Committee Report. Liz Duarte/Bev Washington. JP’s.  DEM Registrar of Voters.
    2. Legislative Update.
    3. Council Update: Mayor Franco.
    4. BOE update: Bev/Matthew/Ian.
    5. Discussion items. Future agenda suggestions.
    6. Adjourn


GDTC April 2024 Meeting Minutes

April 24_2024 GDTC Meeting Minutes



We anticipate an opening on the Board of Education for a Democrat, who would serve for a year and a half.  If interested reach-out to Natalie Billing 860-961-8359. or Jay Weitlauf: 860-857-2468.


Donations for Andrew (Skip) Parella, Click to Donate to Andrew’s Campaign

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