August 28, 2024 Minutes

GDTC August 28, 2024 Minutes

1. The meeting was called to order at 7:08 p.m. by Chair Natalie Billing.

Roll call of Members: Natalie Billing, Doris Pulaski, Mary von Dorster, John Wirzbicki, Dan Gaiewski, Janice Kimball, Juliette Parker, Roscoe Merritt, Portia Bordelon, Ian Thomas, Jill Rusk, Carole McCarthy,  Marabeth Clapp, Chris Conley, Aundre Baumgardner, Kayla Reasco, Andrew Parrella, Bev Washington, Matthew Schulman, Bruce Jones, Lisa Johansen, Gary Welles, Nicole Neifeld, Dave Hume, Kellen Voland, Lian Obrey, Marge Gookins, Peter Roper, Rachael Franco, Paul Fox, Al Fritzsche, Richard Dixon, Joe de la Cruz, and Tammy de La Cruz, 

Roll Call of  Guests: Anne Marie Foster, Ron Thomas, Denyce Thomson, Marie Levenson, Don Levenson, Jacob Hurt, Andre Wagner, Kenn Fitzgerald, Adam Richardson (Courtney staff, field director), and  Evan Boisoneau, (local Courtney staff, from Stonington).

Welcome and Opening Remarks and Introductions were given by Natalie Billing, Chair. Natalie spoke of how inspired she was by the DNC Convention. It was WOW! She asked to spend a few minutes reflecting on its impact and invited others to share their favorite speakers and favorite sayings. She ended with: “Are we ready to work? And win?” This was answered by cheers and positive comments 

Natalie introduced two guests, Ron Thomas, a new volunteer, and Denyce Thomson who came due to the news release.


2. Approval of the Minutes of the July meeting, submitted by Doris Pulaski, Secretary

A motion was made to approve the minutes by Joe de la Cruz, seconded by Chris Conley. The motion passed unanimously.


3.  Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s Report was given by John Wirzbicki.  The current balance is $3,921.01.  Expenses for the last month were: $2,500.00 in rent for the total time we will be using the Headquarters and $17.90 in Anedot fees. Individual Contributions were $445.00.


4. Chair’s Report

 A Headquarters location was secured after much work by Natalie Billing, Kate Rotella, Chris Conley,  and Rachael Franco. Our insurance has been confirmed. Headquarters opened on August 10. Thank you to our volunteers: Ron Thomas (a new volunteer), Doris Pulaski,  Mary von Dorster, and Carol McCarthy. Also. thanks to Dan Gaiewski for bringing all the chairs and tables from Natalie Billing’s  “HQ in a box”. Natalie secured a phone for the Headquarters as of August 1 and sent a news release to The Day.

With Liz Duarte’s assistance, our internet Wifi hotspot is active.

Thanks again to Liz Duarte, postcards have been sent to college-age Democrats about absentee voting. Volunteers may follow up with texts to the students to remind them to apply for their absentee ballots.

We now need volunteers to call seniors about absentee and early voting.

We also need more volunteers to help keep Headquarters open. 

Matt Schulman is working on calling to swing states. 

Joe de la Cruz has hung our banner.

Lawn signs for Vice President Kamala Harris and Tim Walz will be coming soon. CT for Harris/Walz has announced that the sign’s arrival may be delayed until Tuesday, September 10. Some Groton for Harris /Walz signs may arrive sooner. We estimate the price we will charge for the signs will be $15 each, but this depends on what we have to pay for them.

Natalie Billing arranged for 50 Chris Murphy signs. We also have Joe Courtney signs. Aundre Baumgardner delivered signs for his campaign today.

If anyone has a printer and could loan it to HQ, please do.@More phones will be activated as people sign up for calling.

Carole McCarthy prepared all the sign-up sheets. Please volunteer! Recruit friends if possible!


5. Upcoming Events:

First Voter Canvass: ( door knocking) 

This Saturday, August 31, will be our first canvass. We will meet at Headquarters.  The first shift will meet at 10 a.m.  The second shift will meet at 1 a.m. We will be canvassing for Courtney and the whole Democratic team. Those who door-knock will each receive a free campaign T-shirt.  Please sign up to volunteer and recruit a friend if possible.

There is a Labor Day Parade in Newton, CT,  Marchers will assemble at 9 a.m. on Monday, September 2. Democrats from all around the state are encouraged to march.

City of Groton Brew Run: 

The Chamber of Commerce requests volunteers. This is a visibility event for candidates on Saturday, September 7.

State Democrats have scheduled a breakfast to honor Women Leaders on Sunday, September 15. We could nominate someone to be honored. Talk to Natalie if you have suggestions.


6. Nominating Committee

Bev Washington reported for the Nominating Committee that an application for the Beautification Committee has been received from Ann Wimsey.  A motion was made by Bev Washington, seconded by Andre Baumgardner, to recommend her for the Beautification Committee.

The motion passed, 28 votes for the motion, 0 against, seven town councilors abstained (Rachael Franco, Dan Gaiewski, Bruce Jones, Roscoe Merritt. Juliette Parker, Jill Rusk, and Portia Bordelon.).


7.  Fundraising Committee

Mary von Dorster gave the report for the Fundraising Committee. A Headquarters Open House Party is proposed for September 29, from 4-6 p.m. Mary and Doris Pulaski will supply appetizers and snacks. Carole McCarthy and Marabeth Clapp will provide drinks   There will be no charge to attend the event, though donations are encouraged. 


8. Guest Speakers: 

Adam Richardson and Evan Boisoneau, staff for the Courtney campaign, and Andre Wagner, the Organizer for the coordinated Campaign, spoke about their roles in this year’s campaign.  There WILL be a coordinated campaign which is excellent! Evan will spend a lot of time at Groton’s HQ. 

 Chris Conley, Aundre Bumgardner, and Andrew Parrella each reported the status of their campaigns. Chris emphasized the importance of winning big this year. Aundre is running unopposed but will be participating in campaigning for the whole Democratic ticket. Andrew has a tough race. He needs more contributions of any size to qualify for State financing. He has been visiting all the town committees in the district to learn the top three concerns in each town. Affordable Housing is a common concern.  Education. 

Matthew Schulman spoke about phoning into a swing state…a project we’ll organize for October.  Peter Roper shared postcards to Ohio. Natalie shared postcards to North Carolina..  We also have postcards for the second Congressional district in CT. 


Other comments, ideas, and suggestions.

Natalie solicited suggestions for other events/ activities  A number were made, including Candidate Karaoke. an event with Young Democrats, an event with Republicans for Kamala. a Watch Party on Debate Day, perhaps in the N.Y. Deli as they have TV’s, a Pizza. Pie. and Politics gathering, and a Women For Harris Rally.


10. The next meeting 

The next meeting will take place Wednesday,  September  25, at Headquarters.


11. Adjournment.

A motion to adjourn was made by Chris Conley, seconded by Kayla Reasco.  The motion passed unanimously. and the meeting was adjourned at 7:58 p.m



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